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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rebecca Black

Usually I try not to add fuel to someone's reputation if they don't deserve it. But I make an exception for this. A while back, my best friend mentioned some girl named Rebecca Black who was being compared to Justin Bieber.. in a very negative way. At the time I was all like, whatever don't care, so I didn't bother to find out more. That is, until this showed up on my newsfeed today:

Sorry if that made your ears bleed. Mine feel like they've just been violently raped. I have a few issues with this song and video, and not just with this girl's voice.

First of all, her "friends" look like they're barely old enough to be allowed out of the house alone, never mind being able to drive! Please, those kids are so not 16. They're 13. Why are they singing about partying? They should be at their local mall, not a house party.

Secondly, the lyrics to this song are unoriginal. She's singing about waking up (Ke$ha shoutout?), then going to the bus stop. Seriously? The torture continues when her "friends" arrive and offer her a ride, and she then debates where she should sit. Who cares?! I don't! Music can be about anything, true, but this is arguably NOT music. It's autotuned crap.

Yes, some things can be autotuned and sound, if not at least good, hilarious (shout out to the guys and gals responsible for the "Bed Intruder Song"). This isn't one of those things.

I read an online article about this song shortly after I listened, and it mentioned a company that this girl went to that produced this monster. Turns out there's several others out there just like Rebecca Black who think they have what it takes to be the next Ke$ha or Lady Gaga. Um, sweetie, sorry to break it to you, but I wouldn't recommend dropping out of school to become a singer.

However! This is in fact America, and so if this girl wants to be a singer, then by all means it's her right to become one. She doesn't have to be a great singer.. but she can in fact be one. If her parents want to spend money on her "career" and there's producers out there who want to make her songs, then whatever. Have fun.

Props to her for going after her dream. It does take guts to know that people hate your song and are making fun of you (there's no way she can't be aware of the all the bad press). I hear she's going on a mall tour too. And you know what? I hope everything works out for her. I would never wish bad stuff to happen to someone ~ that's just bad karma. So sing your heart out, Rebecca Black. Keep making songs. Just know I won't be adding them to my iTunes playlist.