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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Guess who's home from a week in London and Paris?


This experience is probably the best one of my life so far. Seriously. I had so much fun, met so many cool people (including Michael Aranda of youtube, which was a total shock) and saw a bunch of interesting old things. Considering the fact I'm double majoring in history and anthropology in the fall, this trip was a dream come true. I took so many pictures which are currently taking a long time to upload on Facebook, and I surprisingly didn't spend as much money as I thought I would. Good thing too since senior prom is three weeks away!

I really want to go back again and experience it without a massive tour group. At least now I know where I want to spend time and where I want to visit that I didn't get the chance to while there. I'm still tired from the flight, even though I got in last night and slept until noon. .

Cheers, unknown readers!