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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Parents and Songs About...

There is always a moment in son or daughter's life where an awkward situation with their parents arise. This could range from watching a movie where a sex scene occurs or maybe overhearing something that would rather be avoided.

In my case, music was the reason for the awkwardness.. with sex involved. Everyone has probably heard the song "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island. I love this song because it's just so freaking catchy and hilarious. Because I like it, it's on my ipod. Now, my dad's car has a tape thingy where you put a tape in and then plug in the other end to the ipod to play songs through the car speakers. I pressed shuffle and.... yeah. That song came on. Uuhmm...............

My brother was all like, "Not this songg....!!!" I quickly changed it. I'm hoping my dad didn't even notice the lyrics. I so do not need to explain why I have a song about having sex on my ipod. I mean, a lot of songs are about sex. But this one in particular is proudly talking about it. Not something I want to listen to with my dad, of all people...

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