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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow = Sluts?

I'm writing this with the knowledge that tomorrow I won't be woken up at 5 am with a phone call from my principal. Every single snow day so far has been announced in the mornings, but I guess parents were complaining, because tonight we got the news instead. Like pretty much every other school in MA, today we had an early release.

My best friend gave me a ride home so I wouldn't have to take the bus home. The student parking lot had like a good amount of snow. The time? Barely 12:30. My bff actually took out a shovel and started getting rid of snow around her car so she could back out. Oh, and she borrowed my Uggs to achieve this, since she wore flats today. So, while I sat in her car with the heat blasting, she braved the very windy, very snowy, bitter cold. Everyone, like her, cleared off their cars, but no one else had a shovel... I think. But a few guys offered to help her, which you know, considering where we go to school, was extremely sweet and cute. As my bff said, "Snow storms stir chivalry."

She didn't drive to my street, just dropped me off on the main road. Good thing too since the street you have to go down to get to mine wasn't plowed very well, and at the intersection a pile of snow had gathered. The city totally sucks at plowing my street. The other day my bff, when picking me up to hang out, was like, "Your street just raped my car."

Ugh, and now we're getting hit with a second storm tomorrow, which is why we have yet another snow day. I mean, I like the fact I'm a senior and don't have to make up the days we get off. I really do. But I'm so sick of shoveling. And looking out my window and seeing white. White, white, white. Give me sun! Green grass! Warmth! An excuse to wear borderline slutty clothes flip flops! There is an upside to all this snow though. . which can be explained in a simple equation:

Snow + shoveling + more snow + even more shoveling = never having to go the gym as long as I live in New England.

At the rate I've been shoveling, I'm going to be jacked by the end of the winter season (which in MA, can last until April). And, since there's no place to put the snow anymore, I now have to shovel, walk to the end of my driveway, and pile snow there. Which means my legs are getting a work out, too. Bring on the short shorts and skirts.

Speaking of which! There are some girls (mostly underclassmen) at my school who seem to be completely oblivious to the fact Massachusetts has morphed into a mini Antarctica. Seriously, they're walking around in short skirts, showing off bare legs. Which in fall and spring is fine. I do that too. But in winter? When it's freezing and snowing? Uuuhm. Just because you're wearing Uggs with that skirt doesn't mean it works. You look like you're trying a tad too hard to stand out and look cute. Take it from me and everyone else who's seen you in the halls; you don't. Honestly. If you must wear a skirt in the winter, at least pair it with leggings or tights! That's what I do.

Or, you know, roll your eyes and totally ignore this advice. It doesn't matter to me, because I'm not the one parading around school, sacrificing warmth to look cute. I don't give a sh*t if I look cute or not when it's cold out. My main concern is whether or not I'm going to freeze my ass off at the T station later after school, waiting for my bus. ... And if I just so happen to look cute while keeping warm, then hey, that's a bonus. Not even sh*tty New England weather can mess with perfection fate.

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