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Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Just Had Sex

Haaaaaaaa, negative!

Please, like I would honestly confess to something like that here on my blog. But I'm not going to lie, the song "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island (featuring Akon singing the super catchy chorus) was stuck in my head for a solid three days. It has like over 13 million views, but I first saw it when it barely had 300,000. I'm a fan of the Lonely Island, so I was glad to see another music video by them.

The other day in my broadcasting class we had a debate about which one of their songs was the best. The main contenders were "Lazy Sunday," "Like A Boss," "I'm on a Boat," and of course, "Dick in a Box." I personally like all of them, but I think my favorite is either "Like a Boss" or "I'm on a Boat." Though the newest one is a serious consideration for that honor too.

For those of you who have been living in a cave with no internet service for the past few days, here's the Lonely Island's latest:

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