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Thursday, December 23, 2010


I haven't posted since... the start of my senior year. Wow, so much for "I'm gonna be a blogger who actually blogs!" Thing is, school started up and pretty much took over my life. Suddenly I had to retake the SATs, start the application process to college (which I'm still not totally done with), and oh yeah, try to not fail math.

But hey, it's Christmas break! Which means I can blogblogblog all I want. Which I probably won't do. At least I can rest easy knowing I updated.

So what's changed since September?


OH YEAH! As of two days ago, I got accepted to a college. WOOOOOOO! The first school I've actually, officially, applied to, accepted me. Yaaay. The school? Umass Boston. It's one of my top choices, even though I'd have to forgo the whole living in a dorm experience (which I really want to do). But hey, the pro's of Umass totally outweigh the con's. And I'm thrilled I got accepted. Especially since they have an amazing Anthropology department!

Hmmm, what else. . Honestly? Nothing really exciting to update. My high school lost the Thanksgiving Game to our rival, second year in a row. Boo. At least our cheerleaders kicked ass on the field. I finally got a new digital camera! Yay. I blew an entire paycheck on it (back when I had a job as a seasonal worker at the lovely establishment known as iParty). OH and I got a new phone. Both are my babies.

And, for three glorious months, I had a car. Well, my dad's car. I was only suppose to have it for two weeks, since he went away for work. He let me take it to use for work. That was late September. I just gave it back last week. Simply put, I miss it.

The bus isn't something I really wanted to return to.

Ahh yeah, so that's the brief recap. You probably don't care, and honestly, I don't blame you. Now I'm off to update the playlist on this blog and then go to sleep. When I wake up, it'll be less than 48 hours until Christmas!

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