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Thursday, December 23, 2010


I can't sleep.

So now I'm like making up for three months of silence by blogging random stuff. Who even reads this blog, anyways? Everyone is on Tumblr. I affectionately refer to Tumblr as the "dieter's blog" ~ because, you know, it's just a site where you repost things someone else and a zillion others already posted. Oh, and you have followers who can repost what you post too. Yeah, yeah. I get some people take Tumblr as a legit blog and actually WRITE. But I'm sorry. I just can't be bothered to convert.

I don't think it'll die anytime soon. It's like the formspring that everyone still uses. Speaking of which, I probably should get rid of my account on formspring. No one has asked me a real question in forever. I should probably get rid of my Twitter account too. I don't even remember the last time I tweeted.

I probably would have tweeted about how my awesome new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster came in the other day. It has Voldemort on it, pointing a wand at the observer, and there's his snake hovering right behind him. I love the quote: "The last enemy is death." Pretty badass.

I loved HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It was just... amazing. I like how they ended it, and as a fan of the books, I must say I was really glad they were pretty faithful to book 7. I mean I liked the last movie, Half Blood Prince (my favorite book in the series), but like the whole kiss scene between Ginny and Harry was awkwardly stupid. They should have kept it like in the book, because that scene is just epical. No, epical is not a real word. But it's the only word that comes to mind to describe the relationship that is Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter.

Ginny is such a kickass character in the books, but in the movies she's no where near as fabulous. In the books you can tell how and why Ginny is the perfect match for Harry. Not so much in the movies. I don't blame Bonnie Wright, the actress who portrays her. I blame the screenwriters for not fully developing the character.

At least they got Snape right. Severus Snape is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. I love him. Especially after book six. Even more so after book seven. In fact, I have a keychain of him I got at the lego store. Best $5 ever spent, lemme tell you. It's not just because if I happened to go to Hogwarts (I sooo wish!) I would be in Slytherin and he would have been the head of my house. It's because under that dark cloak of his, he's one of the most complex, emotionally tragic humans ever. Amusing he was real, that is.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, shame on you for just merely watching the movies and not reading the books. You're missing out, I promise.

I could go on and on and on...

But now I feel as though I'll pass out on my keyboard, and then all you'll see is random letters and numbers saved and posted. Which would be an embarrassing fail on my part.

So, goodnight world. Or, if you live in a different time zone, good morning. Or afternoon. Or ... you know, whatever.

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