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Monday, January 31, 2011

Birds, and Squirrels, Oh My! (Go to Hell)

I'm not afraid of many things.

In fact, it's safe to say I don't have any phobias. More like I have things I can't stand the sight of (for valid reasons). My best friend thinks I have a fear of squirrels and birds. True, I've never really liked squirrels. They annoy me. I don't think they're cute, adorable, or any other complimenting adjective. This is all because of an experience I had with squirrels when I was around nine or so. I won't go into the details, because just thinking about it freaks the hell out of me, even after all these years.

As for birds... I never had a problem with birds until this summer. I was sitting on my porch, reading, and then suddenly BAM, a bird flew into me and I could hear it's wings flapping like crazy, catching me totally off guard. It changed my whole out look on birds. I remember freaking out as the bird continued flying and I jumped up, running into the house to immediately take a shower.

It doesn't bother me to see a bird flying around, but when I see one get a tad too close, I throw up my hoodie to cover my hair, or I back away to get some space. . especially while waiting for my bus at the T station.

A perfect example of this is on Friday, when I was hanging out with the guys. One of them has pet birds, and he brought them up to his room where we were all playing Black Ops (though I only played like once or twice). Suddenly I heard "FLAP FLAP" and before I realized what I was doing, I had ducked my head and used the arm of my friend to hide. He looked at me like, "what the hell are you doing?" Thankfully he decided to ignore my actions and instead focus on killing zombies.

I got over it quickly and ignored the two birds flying around I kept an eye out on them, especially as I got ready to leave. I am totally not having any pet birds in my house. Give me a dog and cat, or even a snake. But do not bring a bird to my house. Because I will get a neighborhood cat to take care of it. ... Just kidding. Sorta. Don't test me. 'Kay? 'Kay.

If by looking at this picture you feel nervous, upset, or some other negative emotion, you may suffer from a phobia called:
Ornithophobia: an abnormal, irrational fear of birds

Likewise, if the image of this squirrel (ugh!) makes you feel queasy, nauseous, or upset in some other way, you may suffer a phobia called from:
Sciurophobia - Fear of Squirrels

... This squirrel is totally planning a way to take over the world. One acorn at a time. . .

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