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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Two nights in a row I've had dreams that felt insanely real, but you know, weren't. One dream had a dream within a dream... (Inception influence?) where I was engaged to Prince Harry. When that ended and I was in the other dream, I was really sad to find that it wasn't real. Dream me was like, that didn't happen?! But at least in the next dream there was a certain guy...

I love when the most random people show up. It's like, hey you're in my dream? Cool beans. Or when two people you know aren't too crazy about each other end up in a dream situation with you, and just seeing them getting along makes you aware you're dreaming. That was my dream last night. This one girl I'm friends with was in my dream, but so was this guy she can't stand, and we were all in his car driving to the movies. In real life, this would never happen. I am a huuge believer that dreams can tell you things, whether it be about the future or what's going on in your own life at the moment. One of the best dreams I had this summer involved my Papa calling me on the phone, and I had a long conversation with him, filling him in on my life since he passed away. Then I got to see him and hug him, and that felt so real. I think people who have moved on from this Earth can visit you in your dreams. I know in my soul I was really talking to my Papa and that I didn;t just make it up.

Another dream I've had this summer was pretty cool. I was a Power Ranger! That show was a favorite of mine way back when. But then this guy (who wasn in that dream after the Prince Harry one) showed up! I'm not really sure why he keeps appearing randomly. I mean I know who he is in real life, and we've talked a few times, but we're not friends. Maybe that'll change though this upcoming school year? Who knows... anything can happen, even in reality.

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