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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Movie of the Week

I think I've seen one of the year's, no, decade's, best movies.

Wednesday night I went with friends to go see Inception. We had heard about it for months, and seen the trailer played on different channels for a few weeks. All we knew was that it had the ever sexy Leonardo DiCaprio as the lead, with the really cute guy from 500 Days of Summer (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and the girl from Juno (Ellen Page) as sidekicks dealing with dreams. From the moment the movie began, showing Leo's character at a beach, face down in the water, to the the cliffhanger ending, Inception managed to keep my full attention. The movie had so many layers to it, and just the mere idea of going into someone else's dream world is fascinating.

I fully recommend this movie to sci-fi fans and moviegoers who like mystery, action, suspense, and watching a movie to help get your mind off reality, even if it's just for a few hours. I don't think I could give this movie justice by attempting to explain how it goes, because not only would that ruin the twists and turns that unfold as the movie plays, but it's just baffling to hear about it. You need to watch it to really get it. I walked out of Boston's AMC Loews wanting to rewatch it, because I felt the whole experience ended without me being able to really wrap my head around the concept. Not that it was confusing to watch, but just that Inception is just so... so... ahh I can't find the right word.... so......... forget the word.

Fill in that blank yourself, once you see it. I have nothing bad to say about the movie, except maybe the cliffhanger ending, but even that was just so awesome. The audience gasped. I haven't witnessed a reaction like that since I saw Paranormal Activity last year, and trust me, Inception was 1000% better.

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