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Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Nobody is ugly after 2 am"

Tonight, my newsfeed on Facebook was all about one thing: watching the Jersey Shore. I'm sure about 96% of my Facebook friends tuned in to watch the Umpa Lumpa tanned, self proclaimed "Guidos and Guidette's" make fools of themselves on national television. Oh yeah, I watched a few episodes during the first season, but I really don't have any desire to watch this new season. Instead, I opted tonight to watch the first disc of Friends season one. I went to the library today and wouldn't yahh know? They had almost every season! I'm watching it from start to finish. I use to LOVE Friends when it was still airing. It was from this show I learned about relationships and what sex really was. Not too hard to put two and two together. Besides my favorite couple is Ross and Rachel. I like seeing how it all started and how it led to them being parents to the adorable Emma and finally realizing how they truly feel about each other! I mean, Chandler and Monica are okay but they were nothing compared to the rollar coaster romance that defined Ross and Rach. . .

Oh, and if you're wondering (or maybe not if you were one of the 96% who watched the show tonight) the title of this post is apparently the most quotable line from Jersey Shore ~ it was on a sign in the background or something. More than one person put that as their status so I thought it'd seem fitting to have it be the title! xoxoxo

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