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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

High School Dating

It is, as I write this, past three am. All nighters. Gotta love them. I logged off a few hours ago intending to go to sleep, but as I read in bed, eating Cheez-Its and sipping on water, I realized I wasn't sleepy. At all. There is nothing worse, dear known readers, than trying to fall asleep and knowing you're just going to end up in bed wide awake. Usually I'll listen to my iPod until the music lures me into a sleepy state. But tonight I wasn't really feeling that tried and true method.

So I got up and turned on my computer. To do what, I can't say for sure since I didn't really know. I was just following a whim. First thing I did was log into Facebook, since yah know, I'm a teen and that website pretty much rules my social life. On my newsfeed were a bunch of obviously drunken status updates, a ton of people who liked a bunch of crap that clogs up my newsfeed every single freakin' day, and ah! A survey. Late night surveys cure boredom ~ temporarily, at least ~ and so I went about filling it out.

The first question made me laugh. "Who do you have feelings for these days?"

As if I would ever answer that. I barely say who I like(d) to people I know (unless they can guess correctly and it's way too obvious to deny). So to say that on Facebook?. Ha ha. I don't even really know the answer anymore. I mean like a month ago maybe I could have said for sure who I liked, but now? A lot can change in a few weeks. You get tired of being stringed along. Of not knowing what a person's deal is. Sometimes all you need is a good flirt session with a total hottie you've only just met. Plus, seeing how summer is all around me, anything can happen. I feel like if something is to change, like my Facebook relationship status, for example, it won't take place until school starts back up. And you know what? That's perfectly okay with me.

But sadly, seeing how I'm a senior now, the dating pool has shrunk by 98%. I have a class with a little over 330 people. And there's only 3 guys who come to mind that I would even consider dating. I mentioned this on my other blog, but I didn't transfer that post to this one. Anyways what I'm getting at is that I've been told everything from "you have high standards" to "you're afraid to admit your feelings." Uh huh. All those kind of statements have been given to me by guys I've turned down or who I'm friends with, that um, told me they liked me at one point or another.

Don't you just love the high school dating scene?

And what if the guy I like(d) finally tries to make a move that makes it obvious how he feels, like ohh I don't know, ASKING ME OUT ON A REAL DATE, but I've decided I'm over him and some other guy enters the picture? Coulda, woulda, shoulda. He'd miss out on me, and I dare say I'm a fabulous catch. That's not being vain or cocky, by the way. That's just having confidence and knowing I deserve someone who wouldn't dream of letting me slip away. Oh sure, a guy can be all flirty and whatever, but if he only talks the talk and can't walk, he ain't going anywhere.

Instead he'll be stuck watching me with some other guy, that could have been him had he not decided to assume I'd wait for him or something silly like that. I mean, hellloooooo. I'm 17 and have better things to do than hope some guy is going to text me or im me or call.That's just a waste of my time. Advice to any guys reading this: if you like a girl and can picture yourself with her, and you're pretty sure she likes you back... don't wait to make a move. If you're like, ohh she'll wait for me, then you're in for a surprise. She isn't going to wait. Maybe for a little while, but soon enough she'll be over the bullsh*t and move on to a guy who knows what he wants; mainly, her. And if you do take my advice and end up with her ~ you better treat her like a queen. Or else you'll just look like a fool, and no one will be laughing.

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