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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's a fact I bet you 1) never knew, and 2) could easily live your life not knowing about me:

I lovelovelove quotes. So much so, on my Facebook, I have not only the quotes section filled up, but I also have a note just for more quotes. What can I say, I'm awesome.

Tonight I was on Twitter, about to log in, and on the Top Tweets thing, one popped up that caught my eye immediately. And this is it:

"1 universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 7 continents, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege to meet you."


Yes, I admit this makes me think of someone. But not just anyone. I mean the important people in my life right now, like my close friends. Seriously, had certain events not happened, they would not be in my life right now. There's two public high schools in my city, one all girl's school (which I actually got accepted into, and was thisclose in going to), and a few private schools in other towns.

Had I not gone to my high school, I might not have met them, ever. That's Fate. Or, had I not decided to go to Girls State MA, I never would have met all my friends in my city of Goodwill, and that's really hard to picture ~ especially considering the fact that, before June, I had never known any of them before.

Isn't life craazy?

Quick note: Now that my school year has officially started, I don't think I'll be able to blog all the time. I'm so sorry, Unknown Readers. But you know.. I have a life. . people to meet, places to see, and um, colleges to apply to. I'll do my best, I promise! (:

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Refuse to Convert...!!!!

I refuse to convert to Tumblr, even though almost everyone I know is now using it. I won't switch. I like the blog I have, and honestly Tumblr seems more for people with short attention spans ~ no offense to all my friends and family who use Tumblr. My brother has one, and is nagging me to join. If I do, that'll only prove how I'm easily influenced by majority; besides, I don't give two sh*ts about what everyone else on Facebook is now doing. Forget it. I caved into Twitter and Formspring, but I will cave in no more! Tumblr just doesn't seem like a legitimate blog to me. It's like what Twitter would be, if you could write more than a sentence for each post and show pictures. I already have a Twitter, thanks.

I don't need yet another website that allows people to stalk me. Facebook alone fills that void, my current blog is a stalker's dream, Twitter is sketchy enough, and Formspring? Once in a blue moon I get a question to answer there. So I do not need Tumblr, nor do I plan on "trying it out" and then forget to update my main blog ~ a la Myspace users who got sucked into Facebook (pretty much everyone, including myself).

Myspace is actually the perfect example of what happens when a new, trendy website attracts people. A few years ago, everyone had a Myspace. It was THE thing to have.

I of course had one. Who didn't? Well okay, most parents didn't have one; they didn't join in on the whole social networking concept until Facebook. Anyways, everyone had a Myspace. Our newsfeed then was a bulletin board, where people posted surveys and whatever. Oh, and there was status updates, where you could pick a smiley face or something to show your mood. Myspace was loud, colorful, and a teen's haven.

Then one day, Facebook opened up to high school students. It was buh-bye Myspace, hello Facebook ~ the latter became the new trend. Some people at first refused to get one ~ what was the need? But slowly, people stopped using Myspace, finding themselves logging into Facebook more and more, Myspace less and less. I admit I got a Facebook to see what all the hype was about. I wasn't too crazy about it at first, but nearly four years after making the switch... I can't picture my life without Facebook. How pathetic is that? Yet most people would probably agree.

Tumblr, at the moment, is the new Facebook of blogging. Unlike Facebook, however, I doubt it'll ever convince me to convert. I do, for the record, follow people who have a Tumblr. Just because I don't have one, doesn't mean I can't stalk someone who does.

Oh, and by the way: I still have my Myspace account. I log in every few months. It's eerie, though. Almost no one uses it anymore, so I feel alone while I check out people's profiles. Myspace is like a shrine to freshmen and sophomore year, right before the Facebook takeover...

Bullet For My Valentine

I am seeing this amazing band October 5th! :)

My dad actually bought me tickets for their concert, like ohh-em-gee! Seriously, I asked him last month is he'd even consider buying me tickets to see them in Rhode Island, despite the fact the concert is on a school night. He kept me in suspense, asking me questions ~ what's my favorite song, how long have I liked them? ~ and went online to Google Map the venue they're playing at, while still on the phone with me. And then.. he never brought it up again, and being the big girl I am, I sucked it up and figured it was a lost cause.

Today, however? After spending a ton on school supplies (that will most likely need to be replaced long before I graduate) and paying to get the hard drive of my computer looked at, not to mentioned after getting a few books at Border's, my dad casually asked, as we sat in a booth at an excellent Greek-Italian restaurant for dinner, if any of my friends where going to "that concert" I'd mentioned before. I was like, um a few people I'm friendly with are.. (I have no idea if that's a true statement or not)

My dad goes, oh, well I bought you tickets for it. I was stunned! I was like ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Dad nodded and went on to say he bought me the tickets while still on the phone with me when I first brought it up!

Obviously I flipped out and promptly made it my Facebook status. My mom knew I was going too, but kept it secret from me. I guess my dad had considered not telling me until the week before the concert, but decided it'd be better if I knew a few weeks ahead. Let's just say I agree, so I can save money to splurge on a concert t-shirt!

Yeah, I'd deem today a fabulous day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Today I forced my brother to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" ~ I'm pretty sure he liked it. Win.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Blogs and Majors

Oh God. My brother has a blog, and he's insanely funny. I should be mad that he tells the world about things that go on that involve me, but hey, why get upset when 1) It's true and 2) He is hilarious in his recounts.

Our blogging styles are different. No question there ~ you can easily tell who's blog is who's (ignore the obvious factor: the styles of the blogs). Anyways I recommend all my unknown readers to check my darling little brother's blog. You can find him here:

Now that I've done my sisterly duty, I can tell you about how I've changed my major! Not for high school; broadcasting is always to be that. No, I'm talking about the big C, aka college. I start applying next month and while I have no idea which school I want to go to, I do know what my major is going to be. And it's going to surprise people who expect me to follow my papa's path in journalism. I'm instead following my heart in this, majoring in what I find utterly fascinating.

I plan on majoring in Archeology and History OR Anthropology. I'm leaning more towards the latter, with a minor in History. I plan to pursue my PhD in History, probably concentrating in British History, specifically the era of Queen Elizabeth the First or the Middle Ages.

I still want to write, but I doubt I'll be doing something for the rather typical and all too average news. I picture myself writing research papers, essays, and articles for National Geographic. Somewhere down the line, I'd like to teach, tenure track.

These are my plans right now, but as a wise person once said: "Map out your life, but do so in pencil."