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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's a fact I bet you 1) never knew, and 2) could easily live your life not knowing about me:

I lovelovelove quotes. So much so, on my Facebook, I have not only the quotes section filled up, but I also have a note just for more quotes. What can I say, I'm awesome.

Tonight I was on Twitter, about to log in, and on the Top Tweets thing, one popped up that caught my eye immediately. And this is it:

"1 universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 7 continents, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege to meet you."


Yes, I admit this makes me think of someone. But not just anyone. I mean the important people in my life right now, like my close friends. Seriously, had certain events not happened, they would not be in my life right now. There's two public high schools in my city, one all girl's school (which I actually got accepted into, and was thisclose in going to), and a few private schools in other towns.

Had I not gone to my high school, I might not have met them, ever. That's Fate. Or, had I not decided to go to Girls State MA, I never would have met all my friends in my city of Goodwill, and that's really hard to picture ~ especially considering the fact that, before June, I had never known any of them before.

Isn't life craazy?

Quick note: Now that my school year has officially started, I don't think I'll be able to blog all the time. I'm so sorry, Unknown Readers. But you know.. I have a life. . people to meet, places to see, and um, colleges to apply to. I'll do my best, I promise! (:

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