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Monday, September 6, 2010

I Refuse to Convert...!!!!

I refuse to convert to Tumblr, even though almost everyone I know is now using it. I won't switch. I like the blog I have, and honestly Tumblr seems more for people with short attention spans ~ no offense to all my friends and family who use Tumblr. My brother has one, and is nagging me to join. If I do, that'll only prove how I'm easily influenced by majority; besides, I don't give two sh*ts about what everyone else on Facebook is now doing. Forget it. I caved into Twitter and Formspring, but I will cave in no more! Tumblr just doesn't seem like a legitimate blog to me. It's like what Twitter would be, if you could write more than a sentence for each post and show pictures. I already have a Twitter, thanks.

I don't need yet another website that allows people to stalk me. Facebook alone fills that void, my current blog is a stalker's dream, Twitter is sketchy enough, and Formspring? Once in a blue moon I get a question to answer there. So I do not need Tumblr, nor do I plan on "trying it out" and then forget to update my main blog ~ a la Myspace users who got sucked into Facebook (pretty much everyone, including myself).

Myspace is actually the perfect example of what happens when a new, trendy website attracts people. A few years ago, everyone had a Myspace. It was THE thing to have.

I of course had one. Who didn't? Well okay, most parents didn't have one; they didn't join in on the whole social networking concept until Facebook. Anyways, everyone had a Myspace. Our newsfeed then was a bulletin board, where people posted surveys and whatever. Oh, and there was status updates, where you could pick a smiley face or something to show your mood. Myspace was loud, colorful, and a teen's haven.

Then one day, Facebook opened up to high school students. It was buh-bye Myspace, hello Facebook ~ the latter became the new trend. Some people at first refused to get one ~ what was the need? But slowly, people stopped using Myspace, finding themselves logging into Facebook more and more, Myspace less and less. I admit I got a Facebook to see what all the hype was about. I wasn't too crazy about it at first, but nearly four years after making the switch... I can't picture my life without Facebook. How pathetic is that? Yet most people would probably agree.

Tumblr, at the moment, is the new Facebook of blogging. Unlike Facebook, however, I doubt it'll ever convince me to convert. I do, for the record, follow people who have a Tumblr. Just because I don't have one, doesn't mean I can't stalk someone who does.

Oh, and by the way: I still have my Myspace account. I log in every few months. It's eerie, though. Almost no one uses it anymore, so I feel alone while I check out people's profiles. Myspace is like a shrine to freshmen and sophomore year, right before the Facebook takeover...

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