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Monday, September 6, 2010

Bullet For My Valentine

I am seeing this amazing band October 5th! :)

My dad actually bought me tickets for their concert, like ohh-em-gee! Seriously, I asked him last month is he'd even consider buying me tickets to see them in Rhode Island, despite the fact the concert is on a school night. He kept me in suspense, asking me questions ~ what's my favorite song, how long have I liked them? ~ and went online to Google Map the venue they're playing at, while still on the phone with me. And then.. he never brought it up again, and being the big girl I am, I sucked it up and figured it was a lost cause.

Today, however? After spending a ton on school supplies (that will most likely need to be replaced long before I graduate) and paying to get the hard drive of my computer looked at, not to mentioned after getting a few books at Border's, my dad casually asked, as we sat in a booth at an excellent Greek-Italian restaurant for dinner, if any of my friends where going to "that concert" I'd mentioned before. I was like, um a few people I'm friendly with are.. (I have no idea if that's a true statement or not)

My dad goes, oh, well I bought you tickets for it. I was stunned! I was like ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Dad nodded and went on to say he bought me the tickets while still on the phone with me when I first brought it up!

Obviously I flipped out and promptly made it my Facebook status. My mom knew I was going too, but kept it secret from me. I guess my dad had considered not telling me until the week before the concert, but decided it'd be better if I knew a few weeks ahead. Let's just say I agree, so I can save money to splurge on a concert t-shirt!

Yeah, I'd deem today a fabulous day.

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