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Friday, September 3, 2010

Blogs and Majors

Oh God. My brother has a blog, and he's insanely funny. I should be mad that he tells the world about things that go on that involve me, but hey, why get upset when 1) It's true and 2) He is hilarious in his recounts.

Our blogging styles are different. No question there ~ you can easily tell who's blog is who's (ignore the obvious factor: the styles of the blogs). Anyways I recommend all my unknown readers to check my darling little brother's blog. You can find him here:

Now that I've done my sisterly duty, I can tell you about how I've changed my major! Not for high school; broadcasting is always to be that. No, I'm talking about the big C, aka college. I start applying next month and while I have no idea which school I want to go to, I do know what my major is going to be. And it's going to surprise people who expect me to follow my papa's path in journalism. I'm instead following my heart in this, majoring in what I find utterly fascinating.

I plan on majoring in Archeology and History OR Anthropology. I'm leaning more towards the latter, with a minor in History. I plan to pursue my PhD in History, probably concentrating in British History, specifically the era of Queen Elizabeth the First or the Middle Ages.

I still want to write, but I doubt I'll be doing something for the rather typical and all too average news. I picture myself writing research papers, essays, and articles for National Geographic. Somewhere down the line, I'd like to teach, tenure track.

These are my plans right now, but as a wise person once said: "Map out your life, but do so in pencil."

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