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Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to Blogging, Back to School Shopping

I haven't written in awhile... Forgive me! I'm back though for a few days of writing. Friday I leave for a week to New Hampshire, so I probably won't be posting during then. So what have I been up to since I last posted?

Um, let's see. The club I'm Vice President for had a meeting last week to get ready for this upcoming school year. Of course, typical for an officer meeting, we started talking about subjects that are completely irrelevant to the club. We seem to do this especially when we have meetings at one of my haunts, iHop. (Best. Chocolate Chip. Pancakes. EVER.) That's why we had our meeting at the library, but it didn't stop the conversation from going to talking about fundraising to where we work and/or if we need a job. Oh and we made plans to go to Water Country the weekend I get back from New Hampshire, sorta like a fun last summer trip before school starts back up.

Oh, and yesterday I went back to school shopping! My favorite part is getting new clothes. This year I got a few key pieces that will help freshen up the clothes I already have in my over stuffed closet and drawers. Also, I somehow managed to convice my dad to buy me new Uggs. No idea how that worked out, considering the fact he said last year he wouldn't buy a pair of those since they're "expensive and not even water proof."

My brother delighted in making fun of me for them. "Every girl at our school has a pair of those. You're just one of them. Not original, at all. You know what guys think when they see a girl with those on? They think UGH." Whatever, little brother. I think they're comfy and that's the reason I like Uggs. I wore my old pair all the time last year. Besides, I haven't gone the North Face route, too. At my high school, the uniform for most girls are Uggs and a North Face jacket. Since I live in New England, these are in sight from October until early April. I might get one of the jackets down the line, but for now I prefer something a tad more original and which I won't get confused with every other girl's jacket.

I still plan on going shopping for a few more things to add to my wardrobe, like non-Ugg boots and some thrift store finds. I love going to thrift stores and finding things, because unlike the mall, I know whatever I find is for the most part one of a kind, and most likely I will not find other girls wearing the same thing. And, since I attend a public high school in a city, and my grade alone has like 300 something people, that's a very awesome thing.


  1. "At my high school, the uniform for most girls are Uggs and a North Face jacket."
    I think you're getting QHS confused with NQHS. Only a limited amount of girls do that. At NQHS, it's an Ugg-Face Cult. Ahahaha, like my name for it?

  2. While NQHS does have more of a cult following for Uggs and North Face, you can't deny that 90% of the girls at QHS are followers as well.
