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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rivers, Mountains, and Bad Movies (Oh My!)

Can I just say that the mountains of New Hampshire are beautiful?

Having spent the past two days up north with my dad and brother, I think I'm ready to stay in the mini city for a long while, but only because as of right now, I'm natured out. How did I spend those two days? Um. Drove down a few highways that cut between mountains. Went out to eat at a popular country styled restaurant that offered a lot of variety menu wise. Crawled in caves while injuring my knee in the process. Shopped at over expensive tourist shops where my brother and I had our dad buy over priced keepsakes that I'll most likely lose within three weeks of purchasing. Went to a river with such smooth rocks people let the current carry them (but it was waay too cold for me to go in the water!). Saw a really bad movie (The Other Guys), but because it was so bad I was able to find it extremely hilarious. Seeing how it starred Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, I thought it'd be tolerable at best. How wrong was I. Let's just say it was rather painful, not to mention awkward at some scenes, to sit in the empty cinema and watch the movie all the way from start to finish. Moving on... Shopped some more. I Saw more rivers with rocks and went up to Mount Washington, which is over 6, 000 feet high.

Now that was insane: we drove up, and at some points the road is so narrow, two cars can't really pass each other. Never mind the fact there's no guard rails to keep you from driving off the edge and that it's a lonnggg way down. The day we went, it was like almost 80 degrees at the bottom of the mountain, yet at the top? It was barely 40. Clouds were going through us! There's a hotel museum from the 1800s up there too, where you can go today and look around. I can't people would actually stay up there!

I love New Hampshire ~ driving the roads up there is so much easier and more fun than where I live since there's like zero cops watching the speed limit of cars, the roads are curvy causing a racetrack sensation, and unlike the city where I live, you don't have people walking out in front of your car all the time. Next time I go up there should be at the peak season for foliage. I adore fall! Such a pretty season, and plus I love fall fashion. ") I kind of hope I can convince some friends to go with me to New Hampshire next summer for a mini road trip before college, and go zip lining, swimming at the river with the really smooth rocks, and visit Mount Washington again.

For now I'm back home in the mini city, about ready to pass out after driving three straight hours on the highway to get home. Which, by the way, I don't recommend. I probably should have switched at some point with my dad to let him take over the driving, but I'm stubborn...

Lesson well learned.

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