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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back in the City

I'm baaaackkkkkkkkk!

After nearly a week of living in Meredith, New Hampshire (with no wifi!), I'm back in the city I call home. The house was on a lake, with views of the distant mountains and a little too much fish in the water for my liking. And um, talk about lakeweed. Ew?

But all in all, I had a good time with my friend. We did a lot of things I've never done before: watch the sunrise over a lake, go to a drive in movie, and flirt with a wicked cute lifeguard. Um, okay, the last part I've done before, but not while he was on duty. Unlike at home, in New Hampshire we could see all the stars in the night sky. Which, lemme tell you, was just stunning. I saw the Big Dipper for the first time, ever! And I'm pretty sure I saw a UFO or two... no, I was NOT on drugs. But those orbs I saw weren't stars or a plane, that's for sure. Anyways, as much as I enjoyed the great outdoors for a few days, I'm thrilled to be back home. I missed my bed, not to mention the peace and quiet! I guess I'm spoiled when it comes to quietness. My friend has like none of that. Only downside of being home? The hard drive of my computer decided to die, so now until it's fixed I'm at the mercy of my brother... I have to use his laptop. Oh snap, my time is almost up.... catch you later!

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