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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Water Country in the Rain

Today I went to Water Country with a few of my friends, despite the fact that it wasn't really warm out, the sky remained cloudy all day, and at times it rained a little bit. There were no long lines at all, which meant we were able to go on the same slide/rides a few times without really waiting ~ a huge plus. We all went on this one slide that went straight down.. and um, whoa. It's so steep, at one point I didn't even touch the slide, I was falling. I declined to go a second time though. Once was more than enough for one day.

One thing a friend and I commented on was how the lifeguards did this weird hand motion every few minutes. They'd like circle their arms and hands, as if conducting an orchestra. What was the point? Is it to keep them from getting bored, therefore reducing the likely hood of them zoning out and not pay attention? Or is it some weird code thing they have to do because Big Brother is watching?

The lifeguards at the Wave Pool did that too, and I couldn't help but notice how once one did that hand motion thing, another would and another, and then they'd all be doing so. Speaking of the Wave Pool ~ I like it but it is so the biggest breeding ground for germs, ever, and after a few minutes of the waves I start feeling tired and consequently envious of the people who rented a tube for the day, riding the waves with ease.

But hey, at least my bikini top didn't at any point fall off, slip up, or move to reveal something I'd rather not show to strangers, the cute lifeguards on duty, and friends. That, my unknown readers, is what I consider a successful day.

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