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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My high school fails at changing schedules.

Today was the day seniors could go and change classes, but there was a huuge line waiting in the main office. My schedule, for once, is actually perfect. Except for the fact I was placed in the WRONG homeroom! I'm a broadcast major, so I have to be in that homeroom for the morning announcements, which counts as like 40% of my grade. So I braved the cold rain and walked to school (no bus showed up!) to switch my homeroom.

Since the new part of the school is pretty much in use now, that's where I went for the schedule change. The new building is actually really nice, but I hated realizing I was number 80 in line. But that's not the worst part ~ after waiting for a half hour, we were told to leave because the computers would be shutting down at exactly 1 pm. Ugh! Fail.

My first day of school starts September 9th. That's so late! Fine with me, I'm a senior so I'll be signing out in May, and therefore I won't have to get out for the summer late, like my little brother who's a sophomore.

OMG, he's a sophomore. I feel like I was just a sophomore! When I think about how my life has been since I was my brother's age, it gives me a weird feeling. I mean, think about it. Two years ago, senior year seemed so far away, and now it's barely two weeks away from starting. A lot has changed since then. My fashion sense has changed, my music taste has expanded, and I'm no longer close friends with certain people anymore. Now college looms overhead. It's the thing I need to focus on for the next few months of my life. . .

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