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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boho Best Friend

In a past life, I was probably a hippie. The joke in my family is that I was present at Woodstock and then later died of an overdose of LSD or some other crazy drug. Overdosing isn't funny obviously, but that's the only explanation we could come up with for how that past life ended. My whole life I've adored the music from the '60s. In fact, ask any friend of mine and they can tell you what my favorite band ever is: The Beatles. I also like the hippie fashion. Not the gross and unclean look of unwashed hair and messy clothes. I mean the pretty flowy dresses, the leather boots, flowers in the hair look. I like that. It comes across as so simple and effortless. My own style has evolved over the past few years to reflect the flower child look... I went from being strictly prep to boho prep. I love both looks and so I strive to include them in my personal look. Granted, I live in New England, and my mom is very preppy, so that has naturally influenced me greatly. However, unlike my mom (who went to high school during the bitchin' '70s), I tend to mix it up.

My best friend and I are opposites when it comes to fashion. My bff plans on going to fashion school, and she's really talented at not only designing clothes but creating them. She leans more on the preppy side, while I'm more boho. Actually we're opposite for a lot of things. Music taste, guy choices (I love Darcy, she goes for Bingley), and our attitudes on life in general. But I think that's what makes us such awesome friends. We have things in common, but we have our own interests too. That balance is important, because too much of the same is an overload.

Someday we both dream of living New York City. I love writing and that's what I want to do when I'm older and living in reality of adulthood. Of course, right now I'm on TV at my school ("Gooood Morning ------ High!") and I plan on going to college for broadcast journalism, but I think writing would be better for me. The television business is waaay stressful. Do I really want to deal with that? I honestly don't know. For so long I've dreamed and planned being on TV. But now that I'm making decisions for college (which is next year!!!) I'm unsure of what I really want to do. All I know for sure is that I don't want to be stuck in an office all day; I want to travel and write, experience the world, take photographs, expose people to something beyond their bubble they call their life. And if all else fails... there's always teaching history, a secret desire of mine.

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