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Monday, January 31, 2011

Birds, and Squirrels, Oh My! (Go to Hell)

I'm not afraid of many things.

In fact, it's safe to say I don't have any phobias. More like I have things I can't stand the sight of (for valid reasons). My best friend thinks I have a fear of squirrels and birds. True, I've never really liked squirrels. They annoy me. I don't think they're cute, adorable, or any other complimenting adjective. This is all because of an experience I had with squirrels when I was around nine or so. I won't go into the details, because just thinking about it freaks the hell out of me, even after all these years.

As for birds... I never had a problem with birds until this summer. I was sitting on my porch, reading, and then suddenly BAM, a bird flew into me and I could hear it's wings flapping like crazy, catching me totally off guard. It changed my whole out look on birds. I remember freaking out as the bird continued flying and I jumped up, running into the house to immediately take a shower.

It doesn't bother me to see a bird flying around, but when I see one get a tad too close, I throw up my hoodie to cover my hair, or I back away to get some space. . especially while waiting for my bus at the T station.

A perfect example of this is on Friday, when I was hanging out with the guys. One of them has pet birds, and he brought them up to his room where we were all playing Black Ops (though I only played like once or twice). Suddenly I heard "FLAP FLAP" and before I realized what I was doing, I had ducked my head and used the arm of my friend to hide. He looked at me like, "what the hell are you doing?" Thankfully he decided to ignore my actions and instead focus on killing zombies.

I got over it quickly and ignored the two birds flying around I kept an eye out on them, especially as I got ready to leave. I am totally not having any pet birds in my house. Give me a dog and cat, or even a snake. But do not bring a bird to my house. Because I will get a neighborhood cat to take care of it. ... Just kidding. Sorta. Don't test me. 'Kay? 'Kay.

If by looking at this picture you feel nervous, upset, or some other negative emotion, you may suffer from a phobia called:
Ornithophobia: an abnormal, irrational fear of birds

Likewise, if the image of this squirrel (ugh!) makes you feel queasy, nauseous, or upset in some other way, you may suffer a phobia called from:
Sciurophobia - Fear of Squirrels

... This squirrel is totally planning a way to take over the world. One acorn at a time. . .

The only book I read in English junior year that I loved.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

High School and Life

Tuesday will be the first day of the shortest month, February.(I've never been able to remember the correct way to spell that month) Which means, I only have 3 months left of high school. Ever. Oh. My. God. It's like, holy sh*t. High school is ending. There are going to be a ton of people I will never see again beyond my Facebook newsfeed. Which isn't exactly a bad thing, when I think about it. More than half of my Facebook friends I don't even talk to.

There's so much coming up in the next few months. My birthday (18!), my trip to London and Paris, an art auction I've helped out at for the past 2 years, prom, signing out, GRADUATION, and my trip to California with friends. I've been looking forward to all of this since the start of school, and suddenly, it's within reach.

And it's approaching, fast.

I can't wait. At the same time though, when I hear Vitamin C's song "Graduation, Friends Forever," I'm like, wow that's actually relevant to me now. Of course, when that song was released, there was no such thing as Facebook. So it's easier now to keep in touch with friends and hang out if you're all home from school. I hope to God I still see certain people after graduation. There's some friends I never want to lose.

It'll be weird not seeing some people every single day like I did for four years. Others I won't even notice not seeing, and others still I never even knew in the first place, so it won't make a difference.

Still, it's kind of scary yet thrilling I'm leaving my high school behind and moving on to college. Scary because I'm going to be an adult, and expected to handle everything like how an adult would. Thrilling in that I'll have freedom to live my life how I want, and any choice I make is going to have some kind of effect on my life. Like, whoa.

Anyways, I just realized it's kind of late, and I have to get up for one more midterm. At least after I can go home and sleep! Annnd we're getting snow Tuesday and Wednesday, which means another snow day! God, this is the year to be a senior, especially since we don't have to make snow days up. My brother is going to be in school until like July at this rate. I mean last year, we didn't have any snow days at all. Which was good for everyone who wasn't a senior. Class of 2011 lucked out, I guess.

But yeah. This senior needs sleep.



I would be so lost without my iPod.

This is pretty much the one I have, except mine's purple. Not pink. Music is part of my everyday life. So when my headphones break, I'm always upset. My headphones allow me to listen to my music while waiting for the bus, let me pretend to not see or hear creepy men while on said bus; they give me a soundtrack to my life.

And now... my headphones have broke. Again. I feel like a part of me is missing. At least I have an iHome. But that's only good for when I'm in my room..

Oh, another thing about my iPod. People are always surprised by what I have on it. Like they seriously think all I would have is pop. Uuuh, no. Yeah I like some pop music but that's faar from what I listen to daily. I'm a huge fan of any kind of rock, heavy metal, metalcore, screamo, some rap, hip hop, country, the blues, jazz, classical... and so on.

I'm always a little insulted that people are surprised I like certain kind of music. Why, because I dress and talk a certain way? My close friends know what I'm really like. Honestly, don't let outside appearances fool you. Cliche` but true: don't judge a book by it's cover.

Oh! I'm always trying to discover new bands to listen to. If you have any suggestions, by all means let me know! Please and thank you. :)

GeeSix Kidz

This needs to be shared:

The Green Hornet

So last night I saw The Green Hornet with friends. Overall it was an okay movie. Like, it was entertaining and I didn't find myself wondering when it would end. But it probably could have been better.

Seth Rogen plays spoiled son Britt Reid,who's daddy is a millionare newspaper owner, who suddenly dies of a supposed bee's sting. Now his son is in charge, but of course he has no clue how to run a newspaper business. In comes Kato, his dad's mechanic and coffee maker. He's a martial arts expert slash genius. Before long, the two are partners in crime, causing crime to fight crime.

Personally, I loved Kato, played by Asian pop star Jay Chou. Throughout the film I was cheering for him, and him alone. I felt no real sympathy for Seth Rogen's Britt, mostly because he annoyed the hell out of me. Yes, Seth Rogen wrote the script for the movie, but I honestly believe someone else should have been casted as Britt. Maybe James Franco? (who is in the movie's first few minutes) I don't know, and it really doesn't matter.

Despite being annoyed with Britt, I still enjoyed the movie. Like I said before, mostly because of Kato. They should make a movie where he's the star of the film, sans Britt. I'd go see that.

Oh, and one other thing I really liked about the movie: the badass car Kato created. Seriously, I want that car. It's a bullet proof, shiny black car with GREEN headlights. Oh, and it has missles and other cool stuff tricking it out. Hmm, I do happen to have a birthday coming up...

Ha, I wish. Anyways, The Green Hornet is rated PG-13 and is in 3D. The special effects aren't Avatar impressive, but they're entertaining nevertheless. I would recommend it, but it wouldn't be the first movie I'd suggest you go see. There's better movies out there playing.

Jeremy Kapone

He is the only guy I would ever date who smokes. Maybe it's because he's French?

LOL (laughing out loud)

For those of you who don't know, there is a French movie made in 2008 that is fabulous. It's called: LOL (laughing out loud) and I honestly think it's probably one of my favorite movies ever. No, I don't speak a word of French beyond mere basics. Thank God for subtitles. Sure, I watched the movie with awkward English subtitles that didn't always make sense, (sadly, LOL hasn't been released in America with official English subtitles) but it's an awesome movie to seek out.

The movie centers around Lola, a 16 year old French teenager who lives in Paris. Her divorced parents are having an affair, she finds out on her first day back to school that her (now ex) boyfriend cheated on her, and there's her ex's (hot) best friend who seems to have feelings for her that are a bit more than friendly. To top things off, her mom finds her secret diary and reads it like any parent would. Ooh, the drama!

This movie is just so awesome. Everything about it works. The relationship Lola has with her family, her friends, and Mael, her ex's best friend (who's her bff too) is relatable. Can I just say too that Mael is probably the cutest guy ever? I love him. Because this is in Paris, all the teens smoke, which normally I don't like. But I'm sorry, Mael is just too hot to be mad at him for smoking. The actor who plays him, Jeremy Kapone, is a smoker in real life it seems (based on the pics on the internet of him) and you know what? I forgive him for it.

I totally recommend finding LOL online to watch. Especially before you see the American version of it starring Miley Cyrus. Nothing against her, but I'm slightly wary of seeing the newer LOL, because I love the French one so much. At least the original writer/director wrote the American one. . .

Jeremy Kapone as Mael and Christa Theret as Lola

Friday, January 28, 2011


I don't really get to blog as much as I'd like. I often decide to write in my personal journal (the old fashion way, you know, with a pen?) rather than take the time to write here. Mostly because unlike a blog, a journal feels more personal. I can underline viciously when I'm pissed off, I can draw little hearts and stars if I'm in a certain mood, and most importantly, I can keep the journals I write in for future reference. I love going back to reread what I wrote, because it's like, "wow I've actually changed a lot since _____ happened."

Anyways, I'm finally updating. Though I don't think anyone actually reads this besides my best friend. So far in 2011 nothing important has transpired. My birthday though is in 4 weeks. 18. Wooo! I'm so excited. I can finally do stuff I've been wanting to do since I was 13. . .

I think I'm gonna stop this post here, because I'm tired and have plans for when I wake up...