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Sunday, January 30, 2011

LOL (laughing out loud)

For those of you who don't know, there is a French movie made in 2008 that is fabulous. It's called: LOL (laughing out loud) and I honestly think it's probably one of my favorite movies ever. No, I don't speak a word of French beyond mere basics. Thank God for subtitles. Sure, I watched the movie with awkward English subtitles that didn't always make sense, (sadly, LOL hasn't been released in America with official English subtitles) but it's an awesome movie to seek out.

The movie centers around Lola, a 16 year old French teenager who lives in Paris. Her divorced parents are having an affair, she finds out on her first day back to school that her (now ex) boyfriend cheated on her, and there's her ex's (hot) best friend who seems to have feelings for her that are a bit more than friendly. To top things off, her mom finds her secret diary and reads it like any parent would. Ooh, the drama!

This movie is just so awesome. Everything about it works. The relationship Lola has with her family, her friends, and Mael, her ex's best friend (who's her bff too) is relatable. Can I just say too that Mael is probably the cutest guy ever? I love him. Because this is in Paris, all the teens smoke, which normally I don't like. But I'm sorry, Mael is just too hot to be mad at him for smoking. The actor who plays him, Jeremy Kapone, is a smoker in real life it seems (based on the pics on the internet of him) and you know what? I forgive him for it.

I totally recommend finding LOL online to watch. Especially before you see the American version of it starring Miley Cyrus. Nothing against her, but I'm slightly wary of seeing the newer LOL, because I love the French one so much. At least the original writer/director wrote the American one. . .

Jeremy Kapone as Mael and Christa Theret as Lola

1 comment:

  1. I know this is a really old entry, but did you watch it online? I've been searching all day and can't find it!!
