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Sunday, January 30, 2011

High School and Life

Tuesday will be the first day of the shortest month, February.(I've never been able to remember the correct way to spell that month) Which means, I only have 3 months left of high school. Ever. Oh. My. God. It's like, holy sh*t. High school is ending. There are going to be a ton of people I will never see again beyond my Facebook newsfeed. Which isn't exactly a bad thing, when I think about it. More than half of my Facebook friends I don't even talk to.

There's so much coming up in the next few months. My birthday (18!), my trip to London and Paris, an art auction I've helped out at for the past 2 years, prom, signing out, GRADUATION, and my trip to California with friends. I've been looking forward to all of this since the start of school, and suddenly, it's within reach.

And it's approaching, fast.

I can't wait. At the same time though, when I hear Vitamin C's song "Graduation, Friends Forever," I'm like, wow that's actually relevant to me now. Of course, when that song was released, there was no such thing as Facebook. So it's easier now to keep in touch with friends and hang out if you're all home from school. I hope to God I still see certain people after graduation. There's some friends I never want to lose.

It'll be weird not seeing some people every single day like I did for four years. Others I won't even notice not seeing, and others still I never even knew in the first place, so it won't make a difference.

Still, it's kind of scary yet thrilling I'm leaving my high school behind and moving on to college. Scary because I'm going to be an adult, and expected to handle everything like how an adult would. Thrilling in that I'll have freedom to live my life how I want, and any choice I make is going to have some kind of effect on my life. Like, whoa.

Anyways, I just realized it's kind of late, and I have to get up for one more midterm. At least after I can go home and sleep! Annnd we're getting snow Tuesday and Wednesday, which means another snow day! God, this is the year to be a senior, especially since we don't have to make snow days up. My brother is going to be in school until like July at this rate. I mean last year, we didn't have any snow days at all. Which was good for everyone who wasn't a senior. Class of 2011 lucked out, I guess.

But yeah. This senior needs sleep.


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