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Friday, January 28, 2011


I don't really get to blog as much as I'd like. I often decide to write in my personal journal (the old fashion way, you know, with a pen?) rather than take the time to write here. Mostly because unlike a blog, a journal feels more personal. I can underline viciously when I'm pissed off, I can draw little hearts and stars if I'm in a certain mood, and most importantly, I can keep the journals I write in for future reference. I love going back to reread what I wrote, because it's like, "wow I've actually changed a lot since _____ happened."

Anyways, I'm finally updating. Though I don't think anyone actually reads this besides my best friend. So far in 2011 nothing important has transpired. My birthday though is in 4 weeks. 18. Wooo! I'm so excited. I can finally do stuff I've been wanting to do since I was 13. . .

I think I'm gonna stop this post here, because I'm tired and have plans for when I wake up...

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