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Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Green Hornet

So last night I saw The Green Hornet with friends. Overall it was an okay movie. Like, it was entertaining and I didn't find myself wondering when it would end. But it probably could have been better.

Seth Rogen plays spoiled son Britt Reid,who's daddy is a millionare newspaper owner, who suddenly dies of a supposed bee's sting. Now his son is in charge, but of course he has no clue how to run a newspaper business. In comes Kato, his dad's mechanic and coffee maker. He's a martial arts expert slash genius. Before long, the two are partners in crime, causing crime to fight crime.

Personally, I loved Kato, played by Asian pop star Jay Chou. Throughout the film I was cheering for him, and him alone. I felt no real sympathy for Seth Rogen's Britt, mostly because he annoyed the hell out of me. Yes, Seth Rogen wrote the script for the movie, but I honestly believe someone else should have been casted as Britt. Maybe James Franco? (who is in the movie's first few minutes) I don't know, and it really doesn't matter.

Despite being annoyed with Britt, I still enjoyed the movie. Like I said before, mostly because of Kato. They should make a movie where he's the star of the film, sans Britt. I'd go see that.

Oh, and one other thing I really liked about the movie: the badass car Kato created. Seriously, I want that car. It's a bullet proof, shiny black car with GREEN headlights. Oh, and it has missles and other cool stuff tricking it out. Hmm, I do happen to have a birthday coming up...

Ha, I wish. Anyways, The Green Hornet is rated PG-13 and is in 3D. The special effects aren't Avatar impressive, but they're entertaining nevertheless. I would recommend it, but it wouldn't be the first movie I'd suggest you go see. There's better movies out there playing.

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