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Friday, December 24, 2010

Colin Firth

He's old enough to be my dad, but I adore him! <3

(He's the reason I understand why women name their sons after their favorite actors...)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Just Had Sex

Haaaaaaaa, negative!

Please, like I would honestly confess to something like that here on my blog. But I'm not going to lie, the song "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island (featuring Akon singing the super catchy chorus) was stuck in my head for a solid three days. It has like over 13 million views, but I first saw it when it barely had 300,000. I'm a fan of the Lonely Island, so I was glad to see another music video by them.

The other day in my broadcasting class we had a debate about which one of their songs was the best. The main contenders were "Lazy Sunday," "Like A Boss," "I'm on a Boat," and of course, "Dick in a Box." I personally like all of them, but I think my favorite is either "Like a Boss" or "I'm on a Boat." Though the newest one is a serious consideration for that honor too.

For those of you who have been living in a cave with no internet service for the past few days, here's the Lonely Island's latest:


I can't sleep.

So now I'm like making up for three months of silence by blogging random stuff. Who even reads this blog, anyways? Everyone is on Tumblr. I affectionately refer to Tumblr as the "dieter's blog" ~ because, you know, it's just a site where you repost things someone else and a zillion others already posted. Oh, and you have followers who can repost what you post too. Yeah, yeah. I get some people take Tumblr as a legit blog and actually WRITE. But I'm sorry. I just can't be bothered to convert.

I don't think it'll die anytime soon. It's like the formspring that everyone still uses. Speaking of which, I probably should get rid of my account on formspring. No one has asked me a real question in forever. I should probably get rid of my Twitter account too. I don't even remember the last time I tweeted.

I probably would have tweeted about how my awesome new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 poster came in the other day. It has Voldemort on it, pointing a wand at the observer, and there's his snake hovering right behind him. I love the quote: "The last enemy is death." Pretty badass.

I loved HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It was just... amazing. I like how they ended it, and as a fan of the books, I must say I was really glad they were pretty faithful to book 7. I mean I liked the last movie, Half Blood Prince (my favorite book in the series), but like the whole kiss scene between Ginny and Harry was awkwardly stupid. They should have kept it like in the book, because that scene is just epical. No, epical is not a real word. But it's the only word that comes to mind to describe the relationship that is Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter.

Ginny is such a kickass character in the books, but in the movies she's no where near as fabulous. In the books you can tell how and why Ginny is the perfect match for Harry. Not so much in the movies. I don't blame Bonnie Wright, the actress who portrays her. I blame the screenwriters for not fully developing the character.

At least they got Snape right. Severus Snape is probably one of my favorite characters of all time. I love him. Especially after book six. Even more so after book seven. In fact, I have a keychain of him I got at the lego store. Best $5 ever spent, lemme tell you. It's not just because if I happened to go to Hogwarts (I sooo wish!) I would be in Slytherin and he would have been the head of my house. It's because under that dark cloak of his, he's one of the most complex, emotionally tragic humans ever. Amusing he was real, that is.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, shame on you for just merely watching the movies and not reading the books. You're missing out, I promise.

I could go on and on and on...

But now I feel as though I'll pass out on my keyboard, and then all you'll see is random letters and numbers saved and posted. Which would be an embarrassing fail on my part.

So, goodnight world. Or, if you live in a different time zone, good morning. Or afternoon. Or ... you know, whatever.


I haven't posted since... the start of my senior year. Wow, so much for "I'm gonna be a blogger who actually blogs!" Thing is, school started up and pretty much took over my life. Suddenly I had to retake the SATs, start the application process to college (which I'm still not totally done with), and oh yeah, try to not fail math.

But hey, it's Christmas break! Which means I can blogblogblog all I want. Which I probably won't do. At least I can rest easy knowing I updated.

So what's changed since September?


OH YEAH! As of two days ago, I got accepted to a college. WOOOOOOO! The first school I've actually, officially, applied to, accepted me. Yaaay. The school? Umass Boston. It's one of my top choices, even though I'd have to forgo the whole living in a dorm experience (which I really want to do). But hey, the pro's of Umass totally outweigh the con's. And I'm thrilled I got accepted. Especially since they have an amazing Anthropology department!

Hmmm, what else. . Honestly? Nothing really exciting to update. My high school lost the Thanksgiving Game to our rival, second year in a row. Boo. At least our cheerleaders kicked ass on the field. I finally got a new digital camera! Yay. I blew an entire paycheck on it (back when I had a job as a seasonal worker at the lovely establishment known as iParty). OH and I got a new phone. Both are my babies.

And, for three glorious months, I had a car. Well, my dad's car. I was only suppose to have it for two weeks, since he went away for work. He let me take it to use for work. That was late September. I just gave it back last week. Simply put, I miss it.

The bus isn't something I really wanted to return to.

Ahh yeah, so that's the brief recap. You probably don't care, and honestly, I don't blame you. Now I'm off to update the playlist on this blog and then go to sleep. When I wake up, it'll be less than 48 hours until Christmas!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here's a fact I bet you 1) never knew, and 2) could easily live your life not knowing about me:

I lovelovelove quotes. So much so, on my Facebook, I have not only the quotes section filled up, but I also have a note just for more quotes. What can I say, I'm awesome.

Tonight I was on Twitter, about to log in, and on the Top Tweets thing, one popped up that caught my eye immediately. And this is it:

"1 universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 7 continents, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege to meet you."


Yes, I admit this makes me think of someone. But not just anyone. I mean the important people in my life right now, like my close friends. Seriously, had certain events not happened, they would not be in my life right now. There's two public high schools in my city, one all girl's school (which I actually got accepted into, and was thisclose in going to), and a few private schools in other towns.

Had I not gone to my high school, I might not have met them, ever. That's Fate. Or, had I not decided to go to Girls State MA, I never would have met all my friends in my city of Goodwill, and that's really hard to picture ~ especially considering the fact that, before June, I had never known any of them before.

Isn't life craazy?

Quick note: Now that my school year has officially started, I don't think I'll be able to blog all the time. I'm so sorry, Unknown Readers. But you know.. I have a life. . people to meet, places to see, and um, colleges to apply to. I'll do my best, I promise! (:

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Refuse to Convert...!!!!

I refuse to convert to Tumblr, even though almost everyone I know is now using it. I won't switch. I like the blog I have, and honestly Tumblr seems more for people with short attention spans ~ no offense to all my friends and family who use Tumblr. My brother has one, and is nagging me to join. If I do, that'll only prove how I'm easily influenced by majority; besides, I don't give two sh*ts about what everyone else on Facebook is now doing. Forget it. I caved into Twitter and Formspring, but I will cave in no more! Tumblr just doesn't seem like a legitimate blog to me. It's like what Twitter would be, if you could write more than a sentence for each post and show pictures. I already have a Twitter, thanks.

I don't need yet another website that allows people to stalk me. Facebook alone fills that void, my current blog is a stalker's dream, Twitter is sketchy enough, and Formspring? Once in a blue moon I get a question to answer there. So I do not need Tumblr, nor do I plan on "trying it out" and then forget to update my main blog ~ a la Myspace users who got sucked into Facebook (pretty much everyone, including myself).

Myspace is actually the perfect example of what happens when a new, trendy website attracts people. A few years ago, everyone had a Myspace. It was THE thing to have.

I of course had one. Who didn't? Well okay, most parents didn't have one; they didn't join in on the whole social networking concept until Facebook. Anyways, everyone had a Myspace. Our newsfeed then was a bulletin board, where people posted surveys and whatever. Oh, and there was status updates, where you could pick a smiley face or something to show your mood. Myspace was loud, colorful, and a teen's haven.

Then one day, Facebook opened up to high school students. It was buh-bye Myspace, hello Facebook ~ the latter became the new trend. Some people at first refused to get one ~ what was the need? But slowly, people stopped using Myspace, finding themselves logging into Facebook more and more, Myspace less and less. I admit I got a Facebook to see what all the hype was about. I wasn't too crazy about it at first, but nearly four years after making the switch... I can't picture my life without Facebook. How pathetic is that? Yet most people would probably agree.

Tumblr, at the moment, is the new Facebook of blogging. Unlike Facebook, however, I doubt it'll ever convince me to convert. I do, for the record, follow people who have a Tumblr. Just because I don't have one, doesn't mean I can't stalk someone who does.

Oh, and by the way: I still have my Myspace account. I log in every few months. It's eerie, though. Almost no one uses it anymore, so I feel alone while I check out people's profiles. Myspace is like a shrine to freshmen and sophomore year, right before the Facebook takeover...

Bullet For My Valentine

I am seeing this amazing band October 5th! :)

My dad actually bought me tickets for their concert, like ohh-em-gee! Seriously, I asked him last month is he'd even consider buying me tickets to see them in Rhode Island, despite the fact the concert is on a school night. He kept me in suspense, asking me questions ~ what's my favorite song, how long have I liked them? ~ and went online to Google Map the venue they're playing at, while still on the phone with me. And then.. he never brought it up again, and being the big girl I am, I sucked it up and figured it was a lost cause.

Today, however? After spending a ton on school supplies (that will most likely need to be replaced long before I graduate) and paying to get the hard drive of my computer looked at, not to mentioned after getting a few books at Border's, my dad casually asked, as we sat in a booth at an excellent Greek-Italian restaurant for dinner, if any of my friends where going to "that concert" I'd mentioned before. I was like, um a few people I'm friendly with are.. (I have no idea if that's a true statement or not)

My dad goes, oh, well I bought you tickets for it. I was stunned! I was like ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Dad nodded and went on to say he bought me the tickets while still on the phone with me when I first brought it up!

Obviously I flipped out and promptly made it my Facebook status. My mom knew I was going too, but kept it secret from me. I guess my dad had considered not telling me until the week before the concert, but decided it'd be better if I knew a few weeks ahead. Let's just say I agree, so I can save money to splurge on a concert t-shirt!

Yeah, I'd deem today a fabulous day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Today I forced my brother to watch "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" ~ I'm pretty sure he liked it. Win.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Blogs and Majors

Oh God. My brother has a blog, and he's insanely funny. I should be mad that he tells the world about things that go on that involve me, but hey, why get upset when 1) It's true and 2) He is hilarious in his recounts.

Our blogging styles are different. No question there ~ you can easily tell who's blog is who's (ignore the obvious factor: the styles of the blogs). Anyways I recommend all my unknown readers to check my darling little brother's blog. You can find him here:

Now that I've done my sisterly duty, I can tell you about how I've changed my major! Not for high school; broadcasting is always to be that. No, I'm talking about the big C, aka college. I start applying next month and while I have no idea which school I want to go to, I do know what my major is going to be. And it's going to surprise people who expect me to follow my papa's path in journalism. I'm instead following my heart in this, majoring in what I find utterly fascinating.

I plan on majoring in Archeology and History OR Anthropology. I'm leaning more towards the latter, with a minor in History. I plan to pursue my PhD in History, probably concentrating in British History, specifically the era of Queen Elizabeth the First or the Middle Ages.

I still want to write, but I doubt I'll be doing something for the rather typical and all too average news. I picture myself writing research papers, essays, and articles for National Geographic. Somewhere down the line, I'd like to teach, tenure track.

These are my plans right now, but as a wise person once said: "Map out your life, but do so in pencil."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rivers, Mountains, and Bad Movies (Oh My!)

Can I just say that the mountains of New Hampshire are beautiful?

Having spent the past two days up north with my dad and brother, I think I'm ready to stay in the mini city for a long while, but only because as of right now, I'm natured out. How did I spend those two days? Um. Drove down a few highways that cut between mountains. Went out to eat at a popular country styled restaurant that offered a lot of variety menu wise. Crawled in caves while injuring my knee in the process. Shopped at over expensive tourist shops where my brother and I had our dad buy over priced keepsakes that I'll most likely lose within three weeks of purchasing. Went to a river with such smooth rocks people let the current carry them (but it was waay too cold for me to go in the water!). Saw a really bad movie (The Other Guys), but because it was so bad I was able to find it extremely hilarious. Seeing how it starred Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, I thought it'd be tolerable at best. How wrong was I. Let's just say it was rather painful, not to mention awkward at some scenes, to sit in the empty cinema and watch the movie all the way from start to finish. Moving on... Shopped some more. I Saw more rivers with rocks and went up to Mount Washington, which is over 6, 000 feet high.

Now that was insane: we drove up, and at some points the road is so narrow, two cars can't really pass each other. Never mind the fact there's no guard rails to keep you from driving off the edge and that it's a lonnggg way down. The day we went, it was like almost 80 degrees at the bottom of the mountain, yet at the top? It was barely 40. Clouds were going through us! There's a hotel museum from the 1800s up there too, where you can go today and look around. I can't people would actually stay up there!

I love New Hampshire ~ driving the roads up there is so much easier and more fun than where I live since there's like zero cops watching the speed limit of cars, the roads are curvy causing a racetrack sensation, and unlike the city where I live, you don't have people walking out in front of your car all the time. Next time I go up there should be at the peak season for foliage. I adore fall! Such a pretty season, and plus I love fall fashion. ") I kind of hope I can convince some friends to go with me to New Hampshire next summer for a mini road trip before college, and go zip lining, swimming at the river with the really smooth rocks, and visit Mount Washington again.

For now I'm back home in the mini city, about ready to pass out after driving three straight hours on the highway to get home. Which, by the way, I don't recommend. I probably should have switched at some point with my dad to let him take over the driving, but I'm stubborn...

Lesson well learned.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My high school fails at changing schedules.

Today was the day seniors could go and change classes, but there was a huuge line waiting in the main office. My schedule, for once, is actually perfect. Except for the fact I was placed in the WRONG homeroom! I'm a broadcast major, so I have to be in that homeroom for the morning announcements, which counts as like 40% of my grade. So I braved the cold rain and walked to school (no bus showed up!) to switch my homeroom.

Since the new part of the school is pretty much in use now, that's where I went for the schedule change. The new building is actually really nice, but I hated realizing I was number 80 in line. But that's not the worst part ~ after waiting for a half hour, we were told to leave because the computers would be shutting down at exactly 1 pm. Ugh! Fail.

My first day of school starts September 9th. That's so late! Fine with me, I'm a senior so I'll be signing out in May, and therefore I won't have to get out for the summer late, like my little brother who's a sophomore.

OMG, he's a sophomore. I feel like I was just a sophomore! When I think about how my life has been since I was my brother's age, it gives me a weird feeling. I mean, think about it. Two years ago, senior year seemed so far away, and now it's barely two weeks away from starting. A lot has changed since then. My fashion sense has changed, my music taste has expanded, and I'm no longer close friends with certain people anymore. Now college looms overhead. It's the thing I need to focus on for the next few months of my life. . .

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Water Country in the Rain

Today I went to Water Country with a few of my friends, despite the fact that it wasn't really warm out, the sky remained cloudy all day, and at times it rained a little bit. There were no long lines at all, which meant we were able to go on the same slide/rides a few times without really waiting ~ a huge plus. We all went on this one slide that went straight down.. and um, whoa. It's so steep, at one point I didn't even touch the slide, I was falling. I declined to go a second time though. Once was more than enough for one day.

One thing a friend and I commented on was how the lifeguards did this weird hand motion every few minutes. They'd like circle their arms and hands, as if conducting an orchestra. What was the point? Is it to keep them from getting bored, therefore reducing the likely hood of them zoning out and not pay attention? Or is it some weird code thing they have to do because Big Brother is watching?

The lifeguards at the Wave Pool did that too, and I couldn't help but notice how once one did that hand motion thing, another would and another, and then they'd all be doing so. Speaking of the Wave Pool ~ I like it but it is so the biggest breeding ground for germs, ever, and after a few minutes of the waves I start feeling tired and consequently envious of the people who rented a tube for the day, riding the waves with ease.

But hey, at least my bikini top didn't at any point fall off, slip up, or move to reveal something I'd rather not show to strangers, the cute lifeguards on duty, and friends. That, my unknown readers, is what I consider a successful day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Untitled and Random

I really want to write a blog post, but I can't think of anything that's interesting enough for me to continue writing about...

Random facts:

~ I'm using my brother's laptop.

~ He won't let me go in my room with it, so I'm sitting on his recliner while he watches the 4th Harry Potter on abc family.

~ Rupert Grint > Daniel Radcliffe

~ I spent my day across town, watching chick flicks and talking about life with my best friend.

~ If I attended Hogwarts, I'd be in Slytherin. (Though a lot of people place me in Ravenclaw)

~ I don't feel like continuing with anymore random facts.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back in the City

I'm baaaackkkkkkkkk!

After nearly a week of living in Meredith, New Hampshire (with no wifi!), I'm back in the city I call home. The house was on a lake, with views of the distant mountains and a little too much fish in the water for my liking. And um, talk about lakeweed. Ew?

But all in all, I had a good time with my friend. We did a lot of things I've never done before: watch the sunrise over a lake, go to a drive in movie, and flirt with a wicked cute lifeguard. Um, okay, the last part I've done before, but not while he was on duty. Unlike at home, in New Hampshire we could see all the stars in the night sky. Which, lemme tell you, was just stunning. I saw the Big Dipper for the first time, ever! And I'm pretty sure I saw a UFO or two... no, I was NOT on drugs. But those orbs I saw weren't stars or a plane, that's for sure. Anyways, as much as I enjoyed the great outdoors for a few days, I'm thrilled to be back home. I missed my bed, not to mention the peace and quiet! I guess I'm spoiled when it comes to quietness. My friend has like none of that. Only downside of being home? The hard drive of my computer decided to die, so now until it's fixed I'm at the mercy of my brother... I have to use his laptop. Oh snap, my time is almost up.... catch you later!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sassy Gay Friend: Romeo and Juliet

The Cartoon Character I Wish Was Real...

Quotable Quotes By Daria:
~ "My goal is not to wake up at age 40 with the bitter realization that I have wasted my life on a job I hate because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens."
~ "Well, my history teacher hates me because I know all the answers, but there are some interesting idiots in my class."
~ "Thank God for standardized tests. Otherwise you'd never know who your real friends are."
~ "Like being in love there must be a corresponding painful side like losing in love, it’s just a fact of life."

Boho Best Friend

In a past life, I was probably a hippie. The joke in my family is that I was present at Woodstock and then later died of an overdose of LSD or some other crazy drug. Overdosing isn't funny obviously, but that's the only explanation we could come up with for how that past life ended. My whole life I've adored the music from the '60s. In fact, ask any friend of mine and they can tell you what my favorite band ever is: The Beatles. I also like the hippie fashion. Not the gross and unclean look of unwashed hair and messy clothes. I mean the pretty flowy dresses, the leather boots, flowers in the hair look. I like that. It comes across as so simple and effortless. My own style has evolved over the past few years to reflect the flower child look... I went from being strictly prep to boho prep. I love both looks and so I strive to include them in my personal look. Granted, I live in New England, and my mom is very preppy, so that has naturally influenced me greatly. However, unlike my mom (who went to high school during the bitchin' '70s), I tend to mix it up.

My best friend and I are opposites when it comes to fashion. My bff plans on going to fashion school, and she's really talented at not only designing clothes but creating them. She leans more on the preppy side, while I'm more boho. Actually we're opposite for a lot of things. Music taste, guy choices (I love Darcy, she goes for Bingley), and our attitudes on life in general. But I think that's what makes us such awesome friends. We have things in common, but we have our own interests too. That balance is important, because too much of the same is an overload.

Someday we both dream of living New York City. I love writing and that's what I want to do when I'm older and living in reality of adulthood. Of course, right now I'm on TV at my school ("Gooood Morning ------ High!") and I plan on going to college for broadcast journalism, but I think writing would be better for me. The television business is waaay stressful. Do I really want to deal with that? I honestly don't know. For so long I've dreamed and planned being on TV. But now that I'm making decisions for college (which is next year!!!) I'm unsure of what I really want to do. All I know for sure is that I don't want to be stuck in an office all day; I want to travel and write, experience the world, take photographs, expose people to something beyond their bubble they call their life. And if all else fails... there's always teaching history, a secret desire of mine.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Band of the Week: Muse

I love this band, and not because of Twilight.

Top three favorite Muse songs of all time:
1) "Starlight"
2) "Invincible"
3) "Time is Running Out"

Back to Blogging, Back to School Shopping

I haven't written in awhile... Forgive me! I'm back though for a few days of writing. Friday I leave for a week to New Hampshire, so I probably won't be posting during then. So what have I been up to since I last posted?

Um, let's see. The club I'm Vice President for had a meeting last week to get ready for this upcoming school year. Of course, typical for an officer meeting, we started talking about subjects that are completely irrelevant to the club. We seem to do this especially when we have meetings at one of my haunts, iHop. (Best. Chocolate Chip. Pancakes. EVER.) That's why we had our meeting at the library, but it didn't stop the conversation from going to talking about fundraising to where we work and/or if we need a job. Oh and we made plans to go to Water Country the weekend I get back from New Hampshire, sorta like a fun last summer trip before school starts back up.

Oh, and yesterday I went back to school shopping! My favorite part is getting new clothes. This year I got a few key pieces that will help freshen up the clothes I already have in my over stuffed closet and drawers. Also, I somehow managed to convice my dad to buy me new Uggs. No idea how that worked out, considering the fact he said last year he wouldn't buy a pair of those since they're "expensive and not even water proof."

My brother delighted in making fun of me for them. "Every girl at our school has a pair of those. You're just one of them. Not original, at all. You know what guys think when they see a girl with those on? They think UGH." Whatever, little brother. I think they're comfy and that's the reason I like Uggs. I wore my old pair all the time last year. Besides, I haven't gone the North Face route, too. At my high school, the uniform for most girls are Uggs and a North Face jacket. Since I live in New England, these are in sight from October until early April. I might get one of the jackets down the line, but for now I prefer something a tad more original and which I won't get confused with every other girl's jacket.

I still plan on going shopping for a few more things to add to my wardrobe, like non-Ugg boots and some thrift store finds. I love going to thrift stores and finding things, because unlike the mall, I know whatever I find is for the most part one of a kind, and most likely I will not find other girls wearing the same thing. And, since I attend a public high school in a city, and my grade alone has like 300 something people, that's a very awesome thing.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Nobody is ugly after 2 am"

Tonight, my newsfeed on Facebook was all about one thing: watching the Jersey Shore. I'm sure about 96% of my Facebook friends tuned in to watch the Umpa Lumpa tanned, self proclaimed "Guidos and Guidette's" make fools of themselves on national television. Oh yeah, I watched a few episodes during the first season, but I really don't have any desire to watch this new season. Instead, I opted tonight to watch the first disc of Friends season one. I went to the library today and wouldn't yahh know? They had almost every season! I'm watching it from start to finish. I use to LOVE Friends when it was still airing. It was from this show I learned about relationships and what sex really was. Not too hard to put two and two together. Besides my favorite couple is Ross and Rachel. I like seeing how it all started and how it led to them being parents to the adorable Emma and finally realizing how they truly feel about each other! I mean, Chandler and Monica are okay but they were nothing compared to the rollar coaster romance that defined Ross and Rach. . .

Oh, and if you're wondering (or maybe not if you were one of the 96% who watched the show tonight) the title of this post is apparently the most quotable line from Jersey Shore ~ it was on a sign in the background or something. More than one person put that as their status so I thought it'd seem fitting to have it be the title! xoxoxo

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twilight Teams

I've always been Team Edward. But for the movies? Team Jacob ~ especially when he's shirtless..


Two nights in a row I've had dreams that felt insanely real, but you know, weren't. One dream had a dream within a dream... (Inception influence?) where I was engaged to Prince Harry. When that ended and I was in the other dream, I was really sad to find that it wasn't real. Dream me was like, that didn't happen?! But at least in the next dream there was a certain guy...

I love when the most random people show up. It's like, hey you're in my dream? Cool beans. Or when two people you know aren't too crazy about each other end up in a dream situation with you, and just seeing them getting along makes you aware you're dreaming. That was my dream last night. This one girl I'm friends with was in my dream, but so was this guy she can't stand, and we were all in his car driving to the movies. In real life, this would never happen. I am a huuge believer that dreams can tell you things, whether it be about the future or what's going on in your own life at the moment. One of the best dreams I had this summer involved my Papa calling me on the phone, and I had a long conversation with him, filling him in on my life since he passed away. Then I got to see him and hug him, and that felt so real. I think people who have moved on from this Earth can visit you in your dreams. I know in my soul I was really talking to my Papa and that I didn;t just make it up.

Another dream I've had this summer was pretty cool. I was a Power Ranger! That show was a favorite of mine way back when. But then this guy (who wasn in that dream after the Prince Harry one) showed up! I'm not really sure why he keeps appearing randomly. I mean I know who he is in real life, and we've talked a few times, but we're not friends. Maybe that'll change though this upcoming school year? Who knows... anything can happen, even in reality.

High School Dating

It is, as I write this, past three am. All nighters. Gotta love them. I logged off a few hours ago intending to go to sleep, but as I read in bed, eating Cheez-Its and sipping on water, I realized I wasn't sleepy. At all. There is nothing worse, dear known readers, than trying to fall asleep and knowing you're just going to end up in bed wide awake. Usually I'll listen to my iPod until the music lures me into a sleepy state. But tonight I wasn't really feeling that tried and true method.

So I got up and turned on my computer. To do what, I can't say for sure since I didn't really know. I was just following a whim. First thing I did was log into Facebook, since yah know, I'm a teen and that website pretty much rules my social life. On my newsfeed were a bunch of obviously drunken status updates, a ton of people who liked a bunch of crap that clogs up my newsfeed every single freakin' day, and ah! A survey. Late night surveys cure boredom ~ temporarily, at least ~ and so I went about filling it out.

The first question made me laugh. "Who do you have feelings for these days?"

As if I would ever answer that. I barely say who I like(d) to people I know (unless they can guess correctly and it's way too obvious to deny). So to say that on Facebook?. Ha ha. I don't even really know the answer anymore. I mean like a month ago maybe I could have said for sure who I liked, but now? A lot can change in a few weeks. You get tired of being stringed along. Of not knowing what a person's deal is. Sometimes all you need is a good flirt session with a total hottie you've only just met. Plus, seeing how summer is all around me, anything can happen. I feel like if something is to change, like my Facebook relationship status, for example, it won't take place until school starts back up. And you know what? That's perfectly okay with me.

But sadly, seeing how I'm a senior now, the dating pool has shrunk by 98%. I have a class with a little over 330 people. And there's only 3 guys who come to mind that I would even consider dating. I mentioned this on my other blog, but I didn't transfer that post to this one. Anyways what I'm getting at is that I've been told everything from "you have high standards" to "you're afraid to admit your feelings." Uh huh. All those kind of statements have been given to me by guys I've turned down or who I'm friends with, that um, told me they liked me at one point or another.

Don't you just love the high school dating scene?

And what if the guy I like(d) finally tries to make a move that makes it obvious how he feels, like ohh I don't know, ASKING ME OUT ON A REAL DATE, but I've decided I'm over him and some other guy enters the picture? Coulda, woulda, shoulda. He'd miss out on me, and I dare say I'm a fabulous catch. That's not being vain or cocky, by the way. That's just having confidence and knowing I deserve someone who wouldn't dream of letting me slip away. Oh sure, a guy can be all flirty and whatever, but if he only talks the talk and can't walk, he ain't going anywhere.

Instead he'll be stuck watching me with some other guy, that could have been him had he not decided to assume I'd wait for him or something silly like that. I mean, hellloooooo. I'm 17 and have better things to do than hope some guy is going to text me or im me or call.That's just a waste of my time. Advice to any guys reading this: if you like a girl and can picture yourself with her, and you're pretty sure she likes you back... don't wait to make a move. If you're like, ohh she'll wait for me, then you're in for a surprise. She isn't going to wait. Maybe for a little while, but soon enough she'll be over the bullsh*t and move on to a guy who knows what he wants; mainly, her. And if you do take my advice and end up with her ~ you better treat her like a queen. Or else you'll just look like a fool, and no one will be laughing.

(insert clever title here)

I adore this. It's well known, and there's different versions of it. But in case for some insane reason you have yet to read this little gem of genius, I'm sharing it here with you, dear unknown readers...

The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington engineering mid-term.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or Endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote Proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law, (gas cools off when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:...

"First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let us look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added. This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2. Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa Banyan during my Freshman year, "...that it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you.", and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then, #2 cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze."

This student received the only A.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Movie of the Week

I think I've seen one of the year's, no, decade's, best movies.

Wednesday night I went with friends to go see Inception. We had heard about it for months, and seen the trailer played on different channels for a few weeks. All we knew was that it had the ever sexy Leonardo DiCaprio as the lead, with the really cute guy from 500 Days of Summer (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and the girl from Juno (Ellen Page) as sidekicks dealing with dreams. From the moment the movie began, showing Leo's character at a beach, face down in the water, to the the cliffhanger ending, Inception managed to keep my full attention. The movie had so many layers to it, and just the mere idea of going into someone else's dream world is fascinating.

I fully recommend this movie to sci-fi fans and moviegoers who like mystery, action, suspense, and watching a movie to help get your mind off reality, even if it's just for a few hours. I don't think I could give this movie justice by attempting to explain how it goes, because not only would that ruin the twists and turns that unfold as the movie plays, but it's just baffling to hear about it. You need to watch it to really get it. I walked out of Boston's AMC Loews wanting to rewatch it, because I felt the whole experience ended without me being able to really wrap my head around the concept. Not that it was confusing to watch, but just that Inception is just so... so... ahh I can't find the right word.... so......... forget the word.

Fill in that blank yourself, once you see it. I have nothing bad to say about the movie, except maybe the cliffhanger ending, but even that was just so awesome. The audience gasped. I haven't witnessed a reaction like that since I saw Paranormal Activity last year, and trust me, Inception was 1000% better.

A brief message...

Heyo, unknown readers of mine.

I'm not sure if you've noticed this or not, but my blog is different. I changed things around. And old postings are no longer available to read. This is because I had to make an entirely new blog, from scratch. The reason being... well, I can't exactly say. But never fear! Nothing else is going to change, except the songs on my playlist and the new postings I'll be adding as the summer goes on. I took a little break from blogging for personal reasons, but I'm back and feeling more fabulous than everrr before! xoxoxo :)

Crush of the Week

Joe Walker
As Voldemort in A Very Potter Musical... Never thought I'd think Voldy to be hot!

As Umbridge in A Very Potter Sequel ... even in a dress he's attractive. . . .

Joe Walker, as um, Joe Walker. I love his eyes. And I love that he's from Boston!

man·ly [man-lee] –adjective 1. having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery. 2. pertaining to or suitable for males: manly sports. 3. a man who can look hot in drag - see Joe Walker